The Effect of the Surrendered (Acts 8:1-16)

As Saul begins to persecute the church, the gospel moves beyond Jerusalem into the outer regions of Judea and Samaria. A man named Simon, who practiced magic, amazed many people with his gift they believed came from God. But Phillip came and preached the gospel, and many were brought to salvation. Simon's actions were all about glory for himself. Phillip's purpose was to glorify the Lord.

Ultimately, our actions need to match our words. If we say we believe in Christ as our Savior, our life needs to dictate that belief, all for the glory of God! What is the effect of a life fully surrendered to Jesus? There is a simple test to determine the answer. In all that you do, is it for the glory of God or yourself?


Word & Water of Life (Acts 8:17-40)


He has risen indeed! (Luke 24)