Upcoming events

Church Meeting

Church Meeting

  • 32100 Lost Road Lake Elsinore, CA, 92532 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll be having our annual meeting on Sunday, February 16.

If you call Refuge City Church “home”, we ask that you set this time aside to attend.

Lunch will be provided for all in attendance.

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Men's Discipleship

Men's Discipleship

Men! Join us Saturday, February 15 for our monthly gathering of fellowship and discipleship. We will be working through Chapters 6-8 of a book entitled, “The Leadership of Jesus” by Campbell McAlpine. We’ll learn, be challenged and encouraged to lead ourselves, wives, family, and the community around us with the heart and spirit of Jesus.

*If you need the material, contact Pastor Cam ASAP!

This is open to all men teenagers and up. Invite a brother or two to join us.

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LA Fires Donations
to Jan 28

LA Fires Donations

We are collecting donations of certain items (see flyer) for those who have lost so much in the LA fires. Would you please consider donating? If you have any questions, please reach out and let us know.

Drop Off dates & locations:

Sunday, January 26 (9:00am-12:00pm) ONLY.

Cottonwood Canyon Elementary School. 32100 Lost Road, Lake Elsinore 92532.

*Not affiliated with the district or school. Drop off on Sunday only*

Monday & Tuesday, January 27 & 28 (10:00am-1:00pm).

Stater Brothers parking lot. 25904 Newport Road, Menifee 92584.

God bless you. Thank you for helping those who have lost so much!

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Christmas at RCC
to Dec 24

Christmas at RCC

You are invited to join us as we unwrap the beauty of scripture in search of the gift of Jesus!

Sunday: December 22 (9:30am)
- Fellowship, Hot Chocolate & Coffee, Treats, Worship, & God’s Word. **We will have a special gift for each family in attendance.

Christmas Eve: December 24 (5:30pm)
- Family service. **Dinner, Worship, & a special message from God’s Word.

**We ask that you RSVP for Christmas Eve service as we will be serving dinner to those in attendance. Click the button below to reserve your spot and let us know how many will be joining us.

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Thanksmas Potluck Party

Thanksmas Potluck Party

Join us for our 6th Annual Thanksmas! We’ll gather as a church family to fellowship and to feast!

Let us know if you are planning to attend:

  1. Sign up at church this Sunday! Located on the hospitality table.

  2. Let us know what you will bring to share with everyone!

  3. Do your eating exercises and be prepared to feast!!

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Men's Discipleship

Men's Discipleship

Men! Join us Saturday, November 23 for our monthly gathering of fellowship and discipleship. We will be working through Chapters 1-3 of a book entitled, “The Leadership of Jesus” by Campbell McAlpine. We’ll learn, be challenged and encouraged to lead ourselves, wives, family, and the community around us with the heart and spirit of Jesus.

*If you missed our October gathering and need the material, contact Pastor Cam ASAP!!

This is open to all men teenagers and up. Invite a brother or two to join us.

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Men's Discipleship

Men's Discipleship

Men! Join us Saturday, October 26 as we kick off a monthly gathering of fellowship and discipleship. We will be working through a book entitled, “The Leadership of Jesus” by Campbell McAlpine. We’ll learn, be challenged and encouraged to lead ourselves, wives, family, and the community around us with the heart and spirit of Jesus.

This is open to all men teenagers and up. Invite a brother or two to join us.

We’ll gather at La Taza Community Coffeehouse in downtown Lake Elsinore. Contact Pastor Cam for more details.

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5 Year Anniversary!

5 Year Anniversary!


Sunday, September 15 will mark our 5 year anniversary as a church! We’ll celebrate all God has done in & through RCC. It will be a special morning of food, coffee, worship, testimony, and time in God’s Word.

Location: Dream Center of Lake Elsinore. 114 East Peck Street, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530.

Time: 2:00pm.

We look forward to celebrating with you all!

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Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

**LOCATION CHANGE: We will be gathering at the Stevens’ Home immediately following service. Directions will be provided this week via text message.

Sunday, September 8 (immediately following service), we will be having what we call “Lunch & Learn”. This is an opportunity to learn more about who we are as a church. We will share how we started, what we believe, our mission & vision as a church in Lake Elsinore.

If you are newer to Refuge City Church, then this is for you! Lunch will be provided.

RSVP by September 1.

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L.I.F.E. Conversations & Coffee

L.I.F.E. Conversations & Coffee

Ladies, please join us for a time of conversations, coffee, and the Word. We’ll gather at the new La Taza Community Coffee House in downtown Lake Elsinore. The coffee is on us!!

You are welcome to bring a guest or two :)

This is open to all ladies, high school age and above.

RSVP to Jessica.

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Faith & Family Night at Storm Stadium

Faith & Family Night at Storm Stadium

A night at the ballpark to gather and unify as many local churches as we can! This night will include prayer, player testimonials, fireworks, fellowship, and the gospel.

Tickets are $17/person.

Parking is free (Lot C).

Call/Text/Email the church or sign up this Sunday to let us know how many tickets you need. The church will reserve a selection of seats so we can all sit together to enjoy the game!

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4th of July BBQ

4th of July BBQ

We are having a 4th of July Church Family BBQ on, you guessed it, the 4th of July (‘Merica). Come join us for a time of food, fellowship, and games.

Call/Text/Email the church to RSVP and let us know which SIDE or DESSERT you can bring to share!

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Summer Festival & Food Drive

Summer Festival & Food Drive

SAVE THE DATE and join us for fun, food, live music, games, prizes, and more! This will be fun for all ages.

More information will be posted soon. Look for our flyer and info on social media and share with your family, friends, and neighbors.

This event is in partnership with and to benefit DC Food Pantry. We will be collecting both food and hygiene items.

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Volunteer Meeting

Volunteer Meeting

If you are volunteering in any capacity at this year’s Summer Fun Fest, than we need you to attend this meeting. We’ll go over arrival, set up, safety measures, and general information for the day.

The meeting will start immediately following our Sunday Service at 11:15am.

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Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship

The men of Refuge City will be gathering for a day at the range. We’ll meet up to carpool out to a friend’s range in Temecula for a couple hours shooting down range. Let us know if you can make it!

Date: Saturday, April 27 (8:00am - 1:00pm)

Cost: Free. Lunch afterwards will be on your own.

Meeting Location: 8:00am at Stater Bros in Menifee. Corner of Newport and Murrieta Roads.

Donations: If you do not have your own firearm or ammo, monetary donations would be appreciated to compensate those who are offering their ammo to use.

What to bring: Solid footwear as the terrain is undeveloped and uneven. There will be a short hike to the range location. **Snacks and something to drink if you so choose.

We should arrive back to our cars in Menifee between 12:30-1:00pm. If you will need to leave earlier, you’ll need to drive your own vehicle out to the range.

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Church Meeting: Summer Festival

Church Meeting: Summer Festival

Immediately following service, at the school, we will introduce and discuss this year’s Summer Festival. We’ll talk dates, time, location, partnerships, and service opportunities.

Don’t plan on going anywhere, and we’ll have you out by 12:00pm.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is always a wonderful time of celebration as we remember the resurrection of our Savior Jesus! You and the family are invited to join us for a special morning on Sunday, March 31 as we gather for a time of worship and God’s Word. We’ll have classes for the kids with a fun craft and lesson.

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Good Friday Dinner & Service

Good Friday Dinner & Service

You and the family are invited to join us for our Good Friday Service, March 29 at 6:00pm. We’ll be gathering for dinner, fellowship, worship, a message from God’s Word, and communion.

In order to have enough food on hand, we ask that you RSVP by Monday, March 25. Click the button below to reserve your seats.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Come join us for our Palm Sunday Service on Sunday, March 24.

We celebrate the hope of Jesus as He triumphantly enters Jerusalem for a very specific purpose. In this arrival, there is joy and celebration. What will take place a week later will leave everyone in shock and uncertainty.

Service begins at 10am.

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Dream Center's Easter Festival

Dream Center's Easter Festival

We will be joining Dream Center Lake Elsinore for their annual Easter Festival! We will be setting up a table on “church row”, and hand out invitations to church and our Easter services. Come and join in the fun! They’ll have anywhere between 1,200 and 1,500 people coming though.

There will be and easter egg hunt, jumpers, games, prizes, lunch, and more!

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L.I.F.E. Ladies Workshop

L.I.F.E. Ladies Workshop

On Friday, March 1st, the ladies of RCC will gather for a special time of encouragement & painting (5:30-8:30pm). There will be coffee, tea, and water provided. Bring some snacks to share! There is a cost of $35/person. But do not allow the cost to keep you from coming. Register today by scanning the QR code on the invitation. Contact Jessica if you have any questions.

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Church Lunch & Meeting

Church Lunch & Meeting

Join us for a time of fellowship, lunch, and some vision for 2024! We are excited to see the Lord work in and through Refuge City this year.

Please RSVP by February 18 so we can prepare for food and drinks. Text the church how many will be joining ya, or let us know on Sunday.

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Small Group

Small Group

This is where authentic relationships are built. You’ll find caring friends, prayer, and interactive Bible study to help you develop spiritually. Life isn’t meant to be lived alone! We were created to experience life together, in a community.

Join us as we continue our study through the book of Romans.

Wednesday nights (7:00-8:30pm)

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Christmas at Refuge City
to Dec 24

Christmas at Refuge City

Come celebrate the birth of our Savior! We are excited to dive into our new study of the Gospel of Matthew in the new year. To introduce that study, we will look at the birth of Jesus through the first couple of chapters of Matthew.

December 10: “Family Name” (Matthew 1:1-17)

December 17: “His name, Immanuel” (Matthew 1:18-25)

December 24: “Above every name” (Matthew 2:1-12)

You and your family are welcome to join us! Kids Ministry will be available for those Preschool (Age 3 and up) thru 5th Grade. We invite our Middle School and High School students to worship with us.

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"Prepare Him Room" Ladies Event

"Prepare Him Room" Ladies Event

Ladies, please join us for a time of refreshment and encouragement in God’s Word. We will gather for fellowship, coffee, desserts, and a teaching by Kristi McLelland entitled, “Prepare Him Room”.

Cost: $5 per person

Contact Jessica for more details.

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Thanksmas Potluck Party

Thanksmas Potluck Party

Join us for our 5th annual Thanksmas! We’ll gather as a church family to fellowship and to feast!

Let us know if you are planning to attend:

  1. Sign up at church this Sunday! Located on the hospitality table.

  2. Let us know what you will bring to share with everyone!

  3. Do your eating exercises and be prepared to feast!!

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Hygiene Outreach

Hygiene Outreach

We are partnering with Kaylee Baldwin's Girl Troop to bring hygiene products to children that do not have a home; in collaboration with California Family Life Center (foster care agency).

All items need to be collected by Sunday, December 3. Any and all items can be dropped off at church the next few weeks. Thank you for your participation! See the list below for specific items needed:
Chap Stick
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Feminine Products
Hair Spray
Duffle Bags/Backpacks

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City Serve '23

City Serve '23

Join us as we work together to bless the City of Lake Elsinore! We will be helping with a wide variety of projects from gardening, clean up, trash removal, painting, and general maintenance.

WHEN: Saturday, October 14th

7am-8am        Sign-in, T-shirts, & Breakfast

8am-12pm      Work sites around the city

12pm-1pm      Free BBQ Lunch & Celebration!

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Summer Festival & Food Drive

Summer Festival & Food Drive

SAVE THE DATE and join us for fun, food, live music, games, prizes, and more! This will be fun for all ages.

More information will be posted soon. Look for our flyer and info on social media and share with your family, friends, and neighbors.

This event is in partnership with and to benefit DC Food Pantry. We will be collecting both food and hygiene items.

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