A Christmas Devotion
One of the greatest mysteries that our Heavenly Father performed was the incarnation of His Son, Jesus Christ! The Almighty Jehovah humbled Himself, and as John so aptly put it, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).
Imprisoned, yet free
I'm not sure how many remember the story of Saeed Abedini. Pastor Saeed was arrested and imprisoned because he is a Christian. The country of Iran saw fit that he was a threat to their country because of his faith in Jesus.
The Great Danger
When asked, "Give me a few things that when you first saw them, you were in awe?" A very common answer that comes up time and time again, the Grand Canyon.
Keeping my faith
There are multiple times when we experience hardships, discouragement, trouble, or other circumstances that test our faith.
Sovereignty of Self
"Central to living a good and happy life is being a good, moral person. That means being nice, kind, pleasant, respectful, responsible, at work on self-improvement, taking care of one's health, and doing one's best to be successful." What individual in their right mind would not seek to achieve this definition of life?
Weed or Rose?
You ever have one of those moments when you look at something completely different than you had the other 5,000 times you've looked at it? I was sitting at my kitchen table eating lunch gazing in to my backyard.
5 Minutes in Eternity
Not too many videos do this to me, but this one did. It wrecked me. God forgive me for being timid, insecure, and withdrawn about sharing the Gospel!
He’ll take care of the rest
There are so many things in this world that distract us; call them hiccups, speed bumps, obstacles, fences, or walls. They tend to take our focus don't they? Nope. I'm going to change that statement and say that it is we who change our focus.
I don’t want to and you can’t make me!
You've probably heard this phrase in some form or fashion in your life, especially if you are a parent: "I don't want to! And you can't make me!" You may have even said it a time or two yourself.
What is prayer?
Quite a few years ago I was given the opportunity to speak to a group of high school students at a local church. I was asked to speak on the topic of prayer. This would be the first time I spent time putting together a bible study on the topic of prayer.
Don’t let your heart be troubled
For this week's devotion, I'm going to allow the words of another pastor bring you encouragement. In this day and age, there is way more on our plates than we can handle.
Our Deepest Fear
Marianne Williamson wrote a poem entitled, "Our Deepest Fear". It received acclaim when used in the movie Coach Carter. When I first read this poem, I was encouraged. Without intent by Ms. Williamson, it speaks to my heart as a Christian.
Going Without
Back in 2013, I was given the opportunity to go on a missions trip. I hadn't been on a trip of this nature since 1996, so I knew that I'd be stretched in my thinking, world view, and faith.
Are you sharing goats?
I had this train of thought a long time ago when I first jumped in to the pool of social media. I looked at the pool and decided that it didn't look deep enough to drown, so I jumped into the deep end.
Decisions, Decisions…
You know the saying, "hindsight is 20/20"? There have been so many times in my life when I have looked back on particular events and have seen God's work in my life.
Unexpected Blessings
It's okay to talk about Christmas in June, right?! Well, in any case...Did you get what you asked for? Did you open that large box with the utmost anticipation of something that would blow your mind?
Washington recognized that the entire movement for American independence was on the verge of extinction and might very well expire on its own over the winter...the result took the form of a surprise attack, on Christmas night, across the ice-choked Delaware River...
The anguish of who I am
I am no good. There is nothing about me that is worthy to be called a good person. I am constantly in a state of torment and anguish.
Strong and Courageous
What are you called by God to do? Call it a resolution, goal, aspiration, or whatever you want, but what is your God given purpose?