
Decisions, Decisions…
You know the saying, "hindsight is 20/20"? There have been so many times in my life when I have looked back on particular events and have seen God's work in my life.
Unexpected Blessings
It's okay to talk about Christmas in June, right?! Well, in any case...Did you get what you asked for? Did you open that large box with the utmost anticipation of something that would blow your mind?

Washington recognized that the entire movement for American independence was on the verge of extinction and might very well expire on its own over the winter...the result took the form of a surprise attack, on Christmas night, across the ice-choked Delaware River...

The anguish of who I am
I am no good. There is nothing about me that is worthy to be called a good person. I am constantly in a state of torment and anguish.
Strong and Courageous
What are you called by God to do? Call it a resolution, goal, aspiration, or whatever you want, but what is your God given purpose?

Known but to God: A Memorial Day Reflection
The 3rd US Infantry Regiment, known as "The Old Guard", has been continuously guarding The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers for the last 84 years.
All the world’s a stage
We've all heard the quote before, "All the world's a stage!" What does this mean to you? Are we all actors?

3 strikes and you’re not out!
I got to thinking today about the concept of "3 strikes and you're out". The obvious correlation is to the game of baseball. I've heard parents employ this rule with their children..."I'm going to give you to the count of 3 young man!"

I am a child of God
There is a reason why today, I can call myself a child of God. It has almost everything to do with my own dad.

I am addicted
Addiction: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming.

I am owned
Have you ever rented an apartment, home, or have been entrusted with someone's belongings? There is a particular sense of responsibility when it comes to caring for the property of another.

I am forgiven
It's amazing to me when I think about the fact that I've been set free! No, I wasn't in jail. Rather, I've been set free from the bondage of sin.
I love you most!
Whenever I would visit with my Nana, we would always end our visit with the following exchange, “I love you!” To which she would respond, “I love you more!”

Passionate Friday
This year, April 2 represents Good Friday. The day that we commemorate Jesus Christ's death on the cross.

Remember the mustard seed
A small devotion, with large, life-changing applications. Today's devotional taken from the "Who's Your One" campaign published by the North American Mission Board.

Stewardship (part 3)
The story of friendship between David and Jonathan is a great example of the responsibility we have to those God has entrusted to us.

Stewardship (Part 2)
At all times, in all places, we are called to be faithful...period. Are you reliable? Trustworthy? Constant? Are you steady in your allegiance to God Almighty?

Stewardship (Part 1)
Stewardship is not a term many people use outside of the church, and when used, typically refers to taking care of your finances.

Experiencing Silence
Is this a possibility in today's culture of noise? Can one truly experience a moment of silence?