Trust in Him!

Watch: Pastor Cam’s message entitled “Trust in Him!”, and then work through the following.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:13-36

Summary: In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus withdraws after hearing about the death of John the Baptist, likely seeking solitude. However, the crowds, desperate for His presence, follow Him. Instead of turning them away, Jesus is moved with compassion, healing their sick and ministering to them.

🔹 Reflection: How do we respond when life interrupts our plans? Do we see interruptions as opportunities to serve, or as inconveniences?

As evening approaches, the disciples suggest sending the people away to buy food, seeing no way to provide for such a large crowd. Jesus challenges them: “You give them something to eat.” When they focus on their lack—only five loaves and two fish—Jesus instead demonstrates abundance, blessing and multiplying the meal until everyone is satisfied.

🔹 Reflection: Do we trust Jesus with our resources, or do we focus on what we lack? Are we willing to bring what we have to Him in faith?

In Matthew 14:22-33, after feeding the crowd, Jesus sends the disciples ahead while He goes to pray. Later that night, as the disciples struggle against the wind and waves, Jesus walks on water toward them. Fear grips them, but Jesus reassures them: “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”

🔹 Reflection: When we face life’s storms, do we panic, or do we recognize Jesus’ presence in the midst of them?

Peter boldly steps out onto the water when Jesus calls him, but as soon as he shifts his focus to the storm, he begins to sink. Jesus immediately reaches out, grabbing hold of him, asking, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

🔹 Reflection: Where are your eyes fixed—on Jesus or on your circumstances? What fears or distractions keep you from fully trusting Him?

Finally, as they return to the boat, the storm ceases, and the disciples worship Jesus, declaring, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

🔹 Reflection: When Jesus reveals His power in our lives, do we respond in worship and surrender?

Key Scriptures: Matthew 14:13-36; Isaiah 53:6; Matthew 6:25, 33; 2 Corinthians 12:9; Philippians 4:19; Matthew 5:6; Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 43:2;

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think Jesus chose to provide food for the people instead of sending them away?

  2. What does the feeding of the 5,000 teach us about trusting God with what we have?

  3. How does Peter’s reaction to walking on water reflect our struggles with faith?

  4. What are some “storms” in your life that have made it difficult to keep your eyes on Jesus?

  5. How can you apply the lesson of dependency on Jesus in your daily life?

Personal Application:

  1. Trust Jesus as Your Provider – Instead of worrying about how your needs will be met, bring them to Jesus in prayer (Philippians 4:19).

  2. Look to Jesus First – Like the disciples, we often look to ourselves first. Make it a habit to seek Jesus before relying on your own resources.

  3. Step Out in Faith – Peter stepped out onto the water in obedience. What is one area in your life where you need to take a step of faith?

  4. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus – Don’t let the chaos around you distract you from trusting Him. Focus on His presence, His promises, and His power.

  5. Remain in Prayer – Jesus took time to pray even in the midst of His busy ministry. Follow His example by setting aside time for prayer, especially in difficult seasons.


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being our faithful provider. Just as You fed the five thousand, You meet our every need. Help us to trust You with what we have, knowing that You can do abundantly more than we can imagine. When storms arise, remind us to keep our eyes fixed on You. Strengthen our faith and lead us to take bold steps of trust in You. May we rest in the truth that You are always near, always compassionate, and always in control.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Heart Condition


Who do I say He is?