Choose Your Way (Acts 9:1-9)

The conversion of Saul the Pharisee is one of the most amazing and important testimonies in all of scripture. We may be going our way thinking we have it all together, doing what we want to do. We may even justify our life's pursuits as honoring to God. Yet we are completely misguided if we are acting in our own will.

When God wants to grab ahold of your heart, He will. When He desires to make Himself known to you, He will. It is then up to us in how we respond to His mercy and grace. In a short conversation, Jesus asks Saul an extremely important question, and Saul responds with two important and life changing questions of his own. It is so important that we choose the right way. Our life depends on it.


1 on 1 (Acts 9:10-43)


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