How often do you fly off the handle?
The life and ministry of Elisha, the Old Testament prophet. What an amazing life! The lives changed, the miracles performed, and salvation presented through one man. Absolutely inspiring. But there was one particular story that grabbed my attention more that any other.
In 2 Kings 6:1-7, we are provided a glimpse in to another of Elisha's many miracles.
As new dwellings are being built next to the Jordan River for the ever-growing school of prophets, one of the workers was cutting down a tree. As he was working, the ax head he was using flew off the handle and in to the river. The immediacy of concern is raised by the young man, due to the fact the ax was "borrowed" (vs 5). Some would assume that this makes the young man poor, since he didn't have the money to purchase his own tools. However, his anxiety is relieved when Elisha comes to the rescue. Simply enough, Elisha throws a branch into the water where the ax head fell, and makes the iron float to the surface. The young man simply has to bend down and pick it up. All right boys, back to work! And nothing more is said about it. No follow-up. No explanation. We are only left to wonder what this event did to the life of the young man who was able to recover the ax, and the rest of the boys who witnessed this miracle.
We all lose our way. We all, at one time or another, will be dependent upon ourselves to "get the job done". And how often do we fail? How often do we find ourselves like the ax head? In over our head and drowning. Or, do you liken yourself to the young man? Full of anxiety and worry about what may happen because you've lost sight of your responsibilities.
"Unrest and enslavement are the inevitable consequences of persistent departure from God and His will." (Dr. Thomas Constable)
However you read in to this, let me provide you relief. Jesus isn't going to let you drown! He will always be right there to lift you up. Remember Peter?! Mr. "I can walk on water too". The immediacy of his boldness to get out of the boat is inspiring. Yet, the crashing waves and storm all around got the better of him. Like the ax head, Peter started to drown. Like the young man, Peter started to get anxious because he lost sight of Jesus. Yet what do we see once again. Jesus extending his righteous, saving hand to lift him back up on to his feet. As a result, no matter what it takes to get our attention, we need to understand something very important. Our faith will never be as strong as the saving grace of our Lord and Savior. We will always need to be dependent upon Him. Willing to be used. Willing to do the work He's called us to do. Willing to "get the job done". But it is all for His glory. By His grace. By his might. Amen?!
"God's grace can thus raise the stony iron heart which has sunk into the mud of this world, and raise up affections naturally earthly, to things above." (Matthew Henry)
May you be encouraged today, and every day with this promise:
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)