Consistent Contact
Two things I've always tried to hold on to in my relationship with Jesus are these terms: Consistency and Constancy. First, let me say that I am in no way claiming to be an expert on this issue. I only speak to this because of my consistent and constant failure as a Christian. The reason these two words are near and dear to me is because I classify them as "road signs" as opposed to definitions of character. Let me explain what I mean.
There are signs everywhere as we drive down the road. Road signs, billboards, business signs, etc. What would happen if we took the time to slow down and read every single sign we pass? We’d cause traffic to back up, cause an accident, and make a tremendous amount of people very upset at us. After you’ve been behind the wheel of a car for any amount of time, you start to recognize road signs and don’t have to read them. You get to know them so well, you see them in your peripheral and know full well what you are supposed to do. You get to recognize the color of the sign, it’s shape, or can dismiss the sign altogether because you don’t need those reminders anymore as an experienced driver. It’s good to have the reminders from time to time, but out of habit, you simply know what you are supposed to do. How is it that we can get to this point in our driving experience? It’s because you are constantly driving, and hopefully, consistently obeying the rules of the road. Yet, we all know those out on the road that are just as experienced as we are, but choose to make their own rules. Maybe we even do this ourselves from time to time.
This is how it is in our life in Christ. The more we remain in constant contact with the Lord, the more experience we will attain. At first, we may need to go slow, read all the signs, make sure we are obeying the rules, etc. However, we will get to the place in our faith that we no longer need the basic road signs to navigate life. Our consistency in obeying the Word of God will allow us to simply focus on our destination. Remember your driver’s education courses? The biggest lesson I learned was to be a defensive driver. A great danger on the road of life is not necessarily how we are living, but the influence of the other drivers on the road. If we are consistently doing what we are supposed to do, then our concern is to not allow the offenses of the other drivers to sway our purpose in Christ, Amen?! It can be all to easy to fall in to the offensive-style and do what you think is right by cutting people off, making your own rules, and thinking somehow that everyone else needs to be subservient to you, because after all, your life, your highway is more important then theirs right?
If you desire that your life is marked as a Consistent Christian in Constant Contact with our Creator, then you desire a good thing. Live that life. Abide in Jesus. Saturate yourself daily with the Word of God. Pray always, and in everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8; 5:15-18). To gain the level of fellowship that we should desire with God comes from remaining in consistent contact with Him. Contact without consistency leads to mediocrity and complacency. Ever been in a room with someone, but have no connection with them? Ever been in a conversation with someone, but you weren't really listening? That does not lend itself to a wholesome relationship, does it? Jesus gave us simple instructions on living a life worthy of His calling. Consider this the only road sign you’ll ever need.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Keep your hands at 2 and 10 and enjoy the drive. May the Lord bless you, and grant you the grace and peace you need to navigate through this life.