The pedestal has been destroyed
"Christ didn't die for us, save us, set us free, only to place us back on the pedestal, so as not to fall off again." (Pastor Ryan Sharp)
I love the vision of this concept! Growing up in the church, this had been my thought process about Christianity. Throughout junior high and high school, this is how I spent my life. When I sinned against God, I felt as if I had fallen and needed to be reprimanded for what I had done wrong. Then it was my job to do what I needed to do to climb back up the pedestal and stand as wobble-free as possible. What a sad picture.
This has nothing to do with our faith in Christ. First, and foremost, there is nothing in scripture that calls us to stand still. We are called to act, move, meet, fellowship, and most of all, go (Matthew 28:19). Jesus himself was the prime example of movement in faith. If your Lord asks you to "follow me", that's pretty clear (Matthew 4:19, 8:22, Mark 8:34). Here it is plain as day:
Should you find yourself standing around, trying not to sin, you're no more alive in your faith than the Pharisees who stood around pointing fingers and questioning Jesus' authority.
The blood of Jesus satisfied every one of your sins. He has never asked you to try not to sin. By His grace, you were set free from the bondage of sin (Ephesians 2:1-10). The death of Jesus made the earth quake, tore the veil, and destroyed any pedestal that you think you need to stand on. The good news of the gospel is that you belong to the family of God!
As a "fallen" Christian, if there is any place that you belong, it's in the muck and mire. Yet, all you need to do is open your eyes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He's stretching out His hand to lift you up from the pig pen (Luke 15:17). He wants to welcome you home. He knows you messed up, yet He's always known where you truly belong. He's ready to welcome you home with open arms. Are you willing to go? Are you ready to be lavished with His amazing grace?
You don't need to pretend you're perfect, righteous, and holy. Just be the son or daughter that desires to live in shadow of their Father's love. Let that set you free to GO. Amen!